On OSM Map Outdoors, Croatia, Medvednica there is a trail called "Stepinčev put" marked over the standard name of the trail that exists for hundred of years "Leustekov put" Alojzije Stepinac was very controversial Croatian nazi priest during WWII and his name should not be on the public map. Please delete this tag. https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2807281#map=11/45.9309/16.0368 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_clergy_involvement_with_the_Ustaše |
OSM tries to map what is on the ground. If there is a path named after a controversial nazi priest then we will show that on our map, and if you have an issue with that you need to take it up with those who have named the path after a nazi priest and put up the signs - you can't ask OSM to show a falsified version of reality because reality sucks ;) I searched "Stepinčev put" on the web and found quite a few sources that were not OSM-based, includung photos of actual hiking trail signage. Have these signs been taken down? Or are they unofficial signs put up by present-day nazis? The look like the real thing on the photos... I believe you didn't check the data that I enclosed to my post. The standard, the map, trail name is LEUSTEKOV PUT and that name is shown on all maps. However, on OSM Outdoors there is "blue trail line" that was made by kiky456 two years ago, and that custom trail hides the real trail name, the map's trail name, LEUSTEK. I am certain that prime name should be the map name and not the name that some person entered his private trail name. If you google "hitler's route" I am sure that you will also find lats of links and photos ;)
(17 Nov '18, 13:52)
https://www.putovnica.net/foto/slika/107793-marija-bistrica-stepincev-put it doesn't look like "the name that some person entered his private trail". Same sign in a different location: http://orthopediewestbrabant.nl/stepincev-put-karta/ - are these signs fake? Or are they from a different part of the country?
(17 Nov '18, 13:56)
Frederik Ramm ♦
http://planinarenje.hr/kt/gorja/hrvatsko/medvednica/sljeme/sljeme-leustekova-staza/ http://www.medvednica.info/p/planinarske-staze.html http://www.gss.hr/hgss/kartografija/medvednica/ Only Croatian Catholic Church calls that route stapinčev put. Let me rephrase my asking: Please mark that route with the standard map name that is used on all others maps, LEUSTEKOV PUT. https://ibb.co/myuPef
(17 Nov '18, 14:10)
There are two routes defined over the same OSM ways. One is "Planinarska staza Medvednica 14" (aka Leustekov put), the other "Stepinčev put 7. etapa" The only "problem" here is that OSM Outdoors shows just one name for the overlapping segment. :) However, both routes use official trail names: Leustekov put is a hiking trail from Gračani (Zagreb) to Sljeme (Medvednica). Official name of this trail is "Medvednica Trail 14" and the relation defined in OSM for this trail is called "Planinarska staza Medvednica 14". It consists of several ways that are called Leustekov put as you can see here: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/910963 Stepinčev put (Stepinac path) is a pilgrim trail from Krašić to Marija Bistrica established in 2007. It reuses already marked hiking trails and has 7 segments. Segment 7 uses Leustekov put and is additionally marked on the ground using brown tourist signs (as has already been documented above :) In OSM segment 7 is defined as "Stepinčev put 7. etapa": https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2807281#map=11/45.9309/16.0368 This relation should be updated as currently it doesn't show the complete route. However, it uses the proper official name for this trail. Additional info on Stepinčev put: Trail segments and map (Tourist Board Krašić, Croatian only) Decision from 2017 to mark trail segments 1-5. https://tzokrasic.hr/?p=3992 Modern pilgrimage routes in Croatia (Institute for Tourism, PDF in English): https://tinyurl.com/yc3y4fcc |