I'm a long term user updating Road names and road speeds in my area However some of the boundaries are incorrect, I'm using I'd edtiotr to do the edits, and find it very difficult to edit boundaries I've seen some people use jsom, but not sure if this will have same issue for editing boundaries Can someone please comment on how I can adjust /add the above without having to be zoomed right in |
My advice is to move to JOSM. With the ability to download an entire state if you desire, you can zoom in or out and still see the boundary in its entirety. When I try to use id for even a quick fix, it frustrates me when it forces me to zoom in so close before editing that I can't even see the surrounding countryside. It drives me nuts. Might as well move to JOSM now if you're planning to edit large boundary relations. Its power surpasses iD and Potlatch by a huge margin. Thanks I assume I can then upload the changes to the main osm data and it will appear on their website with my changes?
(15 Nov '18, 07:42)
Yes, of course. Some things require time before they show up on the OSM slippy map but others are visible almost instantly.
(15 Nov '18, 07:45)
Great thanks I had a little play with josm Looks pretty powerful and confusing, so will rtfm first Is it possible to hide/view certain layers, I.e. Admin levels and administration boundaries? That will really help me highlight the todo editing areas quickly
(15 Nov '18, 19:27)
OSM doesn't have layers, however you can hide objects with specific tags in JOSM. Open the filter window from the left tool bar (or from the menu Windows -> Filter). Here you can add filter expressions such as "boundary=administrative" to hide all boundaries or "admin_level=9" to hide a specific boundary only.
(16 Nov '18, 07:45)
scai ♦