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Hi everyone

I started a map a few months ago, I just came back to it and I cannot find the editing panel (on the right). Has anyone an idea of what it could be? Here is my map:

Thanks for your help

asked 14 Nov '18, 11:05

DimNag's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 15 Nov '18, 04:12

escada's gravatar image



You have to open your private uMap editing link. Not the public link you can share with everyone else.

(14 Nov '18, 12:51) scai ♦

and if you do not have a direct link to that, just go to, log in and you will see a list of your maps

(15 Nov '18, 04:11) escada

j'ai le même problème . quand je me connecte ça me dit que je n'ai pas de carte !!! ma carte est pourtant existante, publique, mais je n'ai plus le bouton EDITION haut à droite !!!! je veux supprimer cette carte mais comment faire ????

(28 Mar '19, 13:53) assotak

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question asked: 14 Nov '18, 11:05

question was seen: 1,410 times

last updated: 28 Mar '19, 16:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum