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My company has built a complex bridge to link its different buildings and I have no idea how to map this. This is a private, pedestrian and completely closed bridge (it's even an ESD-safe area, you need special shoes and a lab coat to get there).

Here is a picture of the bridge:

Example map

It has 3 main components:

  • The red area links the 2nd floors only, and also goes above the main road.
  • The green area links the 1st and 2nd floors.
  • The blue area is less of a bridge than an extension of the main build, links the 1st and 2nd floor and also have an outside walkway under it on the ground floor.

How do I map something like this?

asked 04 Nov '18, 22:18

mcarton's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Nov '18, 22:19

This sounds a lot like a skyway--see the answer to How do I tag a skywalk / skyway / skybridge for the way I've usually seem them mapped.

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answered 05 Nov '18, 15:26

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

The accepted answer there is building=yes+level=1+bridge=yes. BUT... level=1 is wrong, should be layer=1, as indicated in the comments (and shown in the example given in Oxford's "Bridge of Sighs" replica.)

(05 Nov '18, 17:58) jmapb

Hi Mcarton -- Since these are private indoor areas and will not be used for routing, I'd probably just be inclined to draw them as parts of the buildings, or make them an entirely new building themselves. Just tag with layer=1 and they should not interfere with the road and walking paths. They don't seem to be present on the aerial imagery yet (here's the area in question) so you may just have to guesstimate.

Edit: Adding the bridge=yes tag, as suggested by the "skyway" answer linked by neuhausr, is also a good idea.

It might be satisfying to try to show how high they are and where on the buildings they connect using the simple 3D building scheme. You can draw a bridge in several parts to show its incline from the first floor of one building to the second floor of another -- eg, first a segment with min_height=10 and height=13 meters, then transitioning to a segment with min_height=11 and height=14, etc. This will work better if your buildings are tagged with height, and you may want to add a building=yes or building=parking tag (as well as height) to your parking structure.

You could go all out and try to apply the indoor tagging scheme but again, since these are private areas, it would probably be a wasted effort.

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answered 05 Nov '18, 02:15

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 05 Nov '18, 18:02

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question asked: 04 Nov '18, 22:18

question was seen: 2,157 times

last updated: 05 Nov '18, 18:02

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