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Hello - Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this issue.

I've encountered an issue pulling down node metadata from Nominatim:

  1. Node exists ->
  2. Node metadata exists ->
  3. Place exists in Nominatim, referencing the node:
  4. BUT nothing returned from a node lookup Nominatim ->

What am I doing missing here?

Thanks again!

asked 01 Nov '18, 12:54

tlsfm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

With (3) the URL actually returns to an empty result.

Nominatim links place nodes and relations together when they represent the same. It looks at relation role admin_centre. In this case it gets linked to On the small map you can see the center point is not the geographical center of the polygon but the coordinate of the linked node.

The /lookup endpoint doesn't seem to follow the link when querying by OSM type and OSM id. Or maybe it shouldn't because it would then return another OSM object (the relation).

permanent link

answered 01 Nov '18, 13:30

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%


I'd definitely call this a bug. Please report it on

(01 Nov '18, 13:33) lonvia

Thanks for the quick responses.

I'm still a little lost about why XML is missing in Nominatim... bear with me ....

So, I want the metadata for this node (Kyaukpyu)


In OSM this defined as the admin centre of both Kyaukpyu District and Kyaukpyu Township. Might this be a problem?

(01 Nov '18, 14:16) tlsfm

Nominatim has the full data of the node in its database. It's a bug if no result is returned for a direct /lookup query.

(01 Nov '18, 14:21) mtmail

OK, thanks @mtmail @lonvia... over to the issue queue I go.

(01 Nov '18, 14:27) tlsfm
(01 Nov '18, 14:47) tlsfm

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question asked: 01 Nov '18, 12:54

question was seen: 3,339 times

last updated: 01 Nov '18, 14:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum