Hi there. I've searched for help about this, but to no avail. How can I tag a bullring? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullring |
All but the smallest are suitably mapped with leisure=stadium with sport=bullfighting (203 uses). The arena can be marked as leisure=pitch, also with the sport=bullfighting, preferably with a surface=sand tag. The stands can be mapped as buildings in the usual way. Given that a bullring is a very distinctive form in Spanish towns, many have just been mapped as buildings with their name. Thanks, SK53. It's always strange when we find no direct tag for something so ubiquitous like in Portugal and Spain, but I'll follow your suggestion. Regards.
(30 Oct '18, 11:53)
Just to add something to this: many bullrings don't have stands, they're just an arena with wood walls, like in this image:
(30 Oct '18, 11:58)
I've used: leisure=pitch sport=bullfight (had to write it down, because it's not a listed option) surface=grass and created a wood wall around.
(30 Oct '18, 12:07)
Yeah, this fits my "all but the smallest": have just corrected that at Malpartida de Caceres.
(30 Oct '18, 20:03)
SK53 ♦