Hi there. I've searched for help about this, but to no avail. How can I tag a bullring? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullring asked 29 Oct '18, 22:57 AntMadeira |
All but the smallest are suitably mapped with leisure=stadium with sport=bullfighting (203 uses). The arena can be marked as leisure=pitch, also with the sport=bullfighting, preferably with a surface=sand tag. The stands can be mapped as buildings in the usual way. Given that a bullring is a very distinctive form in Spanish towns, many have just been mapped as buildings with their name. answered 30 Oct '18, 09:39 SK53 ♦ Thanks, SK53. It's always strange when we find no direct tag for something so ubiquitous like in Portugal and Spain, but I'll follow your suggestion. Regards.
(30 Oct '18, 11:53)
Just to add something to this: many bullrings don't have stands, they're just an arena with wood walls, like in this image:
(30 Oct '18, 11:58)
I've used: leisure=pitch sport=bullfight (had to write it down, because it's not a listed option) surface=grass and created a wood wall around.
(30 Oct '18, 12:07)
Yeah, this fits my "all but the smallest": have just corrected that at Malpartida de Caceres.
(30 Oct '18, 20:03)
SK53 ♦