The Lake Inari (400 sq mi) is not visible in the OSM standard map layer on web & josm, but appears properly in the other layers. I guess this is some rendering problem, is it solvable? | (if your computer is slow your browser might be frozen quite some time if you click this due to much data) is shown in JOSM for me. Not on the standard map, yes. I found (with JOSM validator) a intersecting multipolygon part (two inners) of the lake - at this wetland . Edited. I hope it will show now. Update: not yet... renderer seems to is on holidays (that is also what I noticed in my hometown in Germany), or there is still some other error. I have checked with geofabrik's OSMI, but did not find real errors there. Thanks, that probably was it. The remaining thing seems to be that (if I understand correctly), since the changeset only touched a relation, the tile cache did not get dirtied, so it's serving the old tiles. I tried to dirty some tiles manually via the urls, and the rerendered tiles look fine now. But it's not possible to do that for all zoom levels. So I guess it's now up to some admin action on the part of whoever maintains the slippy map tile cache, or if there's some cache timeout, just waiting?
(29 Oct '18, 21:12)
@pppb77: Ah, yes, right. Dirtying did not work for me. Thanks for the feedback! All tiles will get re-rendered after the next map style update - which usually happens every some months, as far as I know. So, waiting is fine. Maybe make a bookmark to have a look again in one month.
(30 Oct '18, 06:44)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Update: in the meantime the lake fully shows for me in zoom levels 4 to 10. I think this is solved. After all it is quite unfortunate to have this very big lake with the many many isles as one object. One tiny mistake somewhere and the whole thing vanishes.
(06 Nov '18, 20:21)
aseerel4c26 ♦