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I have a Garmin Nuvi 50 and want to update the maps from 2012 to 2018. Here's what I've done to date:

  1. Selected UK Map from
  2. Downloaded the zip file of the gmapsupp.img
  3. Unzipped the file
  4. Installed a brand new memory card in the Garmin satnav
  5. Copy/Paste the unzipped gmapsupp.img to the sd card.
  6. Created a new folder on my sd card called "Garmin" Cut/Paste gmapsupp.img in to there (still no joy)
  7. Created a new folder on my sd card called "Map" (as I've seen that works for some Garmin models) and cut/paste gmapsupp in to there (still no joy)

For info, I've gone in to settings/maps/info on the device and there's only one map displayed.

Any suggestions/help would be genuinely appreciated.

asked 26 Oct '18, 15:15

IanPeter's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 26 Oct '18, 21:34

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


What file system is the SD card formatted as? I believe they have to be FAT32 for a Garmin device to read them, but some large SD cards will come pre-formatted as exFAT.

(26 Oct '18, 17:14) alester

Also, if you simply want to replace the 2012 maps with newer ones, all you need to do is put the gmapsupp.img in the same place as the existing one (the internal memory if you didn't have an SD card before) and overwrite it.

(26 Oct '18, 17:16) alester

Thanks for the reply.

It's an 8GB, FAT32 format card. So, I could cut/paste the current gmapsupp.img (from the device) onto the sd card as a back up and then put the new map straight in to the device, right?

I just want to make sure I don't screw this up and render the unit completely useless :)

(26 Oct '18, 19:02) IanPeter

It may be useful if you would mention which site/URL you mean by "this site". There is not just one site which offers OSM-based Garmin maps. :-)

(26 Oct '18, 20:10) aseerel4c26 ♦

Oh,sorry - I didn't realise:

(26 Oct '18, 20:33) IanPeter

Yes, try it on the device itself. I did never hear that tinkering with the maps rendered a Garmin device useless.

By the way, at there is a small knowledgebase on your device. It really should work. The map names can be whatever.img.

(26 Oct '18, 21:39) aseerel4c26 ♦

Thank you.

I had a look at the article and it said "To override map in the built-in memory, replace .System/gmapprom.img"

So, I cut/paste that file on to the SD card as a back up and then copied the downloaded map (from, named " gmapsupp.img" to the Garmin.System directory.

When I switch the Garmin device back on, it said something along the lines of no maps found. I checked settings/map/info (this was where the original map was displayed) and it was blank.

Hope I'm not missing something blatantly obvious! Thanks again for the help.

EDIT I just changed the name of the file from gmapsupp to gmapprom and that seems to have sorted it. I'll go out for a drive later and see how it works.

(27 Oct '18, 14:29) IanPeter

If this solution works for you then add it as an answer :)

(27 Oct '18, 18:57) scai ♦

I've tried clicking the convert comment to an answer but it's saying unknown error occured. I'll try again later.

In the meantime, thank you so much for all your help. I wouldn't have even got to load the map on to the device if it wasn't for the responses.

(28 Oct '18, 12:47) IanPeter

@IanPeter: that conversion does not work if there were edits to the comment. Just copy and paste the text. :-) Others with the same device will be grateful for an "answer".

(28 Oct '18, 17:44) aseerel4c26 ♦
showing 5 of 10 show 5 more comments

Thanks to all the responses in the thread, this was how I updated the UK maps on the Garmin Nuvi 50 satnav:

  1. Selected UK Map from
  2. Downloaded the zip file of the gmapsupp.img
  3. Unzipped the file
  4. Go to the Garmin Device System Folder (if you can't see this folder you need to change your view options in Explorer to display hidden and system folders).
  5. In the Garmin System folder cut/paste the file "gmapprom.img" to a safe location. This is to save the original map just in case
  6. Copy/Paste the unzipped gmapsupp.img to the Garmin Device System Folder
  7. Rename the gmapsupp.img in Garmin System folder to gmapprom.img
permanent link

answered 30 Oct '18, 16:11

IanPeter's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

I've marked this as an answer - hope you don't mind!

(30 Oct '18, 17:21) SomeoneElse ♦

meta: thanks, have mentioned it on the wiki page.

(30 Oct '18, 18:38) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 26 Oct '18, 15:15

question was seen: 6,800 times

last updated: 30 Oct '18, 18:38

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