Hello, I would like to extract all the waterways in a large extent including Europe using Openstreetmap API capabilities. Eventually I would like to include this in a python script. However running it directly through overpass API or one of the openstreetmap-provided mirrors would be the first step in this process. I tried running the following through Overpass
But got an error:
I then tried prepending the above with How can I extract this data and avoid the memory errors? Thanks |
This clearly outside of the scope of any of the public Overpass API servers. You should simply download an OSM data extract for Europe and extract whatever you want from that, for example with osmfilter https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmfilter or one of the other tools available. Indeed that is what I have tried to do. I currently have downloaded several files from the GeoFabrik website: euriope-latest.osm, europe-latest.osm.pbf and albania-latest.osm. I also have all the command line tools osmconvert, osmfilter and osmosis. I have tried various queries on all of them but it takes a very long time, and there is no way of judging how long it will take. Do these query tools provide any possibilities in terms of extracting large datasets aside from just getting it all at once?
(26 Oct '18, 10:19)
You might also need to include more tag options. I found that to get all the navigable waterways in the UK, I also needed
I did it with overpass, in about 8 manual slices- probably not an option for all of Europe.
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