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I wonder how often is the nominatim(.org) database reloaded for the Special Phrases.

TheĀ Special Phrases-page says

You should further be aware that Nominatim only reimports the phrases sporadically when the database is reloaded, so changes may take a long time before they appear.

  1. Is there a place I can see the "last updated" for the special phrases?
  2. Are the phrases updated on any regular schedule?
  3. Is this "database reload" separate from the places-database-reload? The places seem to be reloading quickly and regularly

asked 21 Oct '18, 13:56

FredrikLindseth's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 21 Oct '18, 14:10

The Special Phrases are not updated on any regular schedule and there is currently no indication when the last update was.

Rerunning the Special Phrase import on an existing database does work only partially. For example, existing phrases are not removed properly. This is the main stopper why the script is not run regularly. If there was an actual update script for phrases, there would be no larger obstacle to run it regularly.

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answered 21 Oct '18, 14:11

lonvia's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

If at some point a Special Phrases for a new language is "complete", would it be possible to request an update for this language, i.e. Norwegian?

(21 Oct '18, 15:13) FredrikLindseth

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question asked: 21 Oct '18, 13:56

question was seen: 1,375 times

last updated: 21 Oct '18, 15:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum