I was reviewing the wiki for road closures and it has me totally confused right now. There is a roadway in my area that will remain closed for many months due to construction in the area. I am not sure how to have the tagging reflect this correctly using the iD in browser editor. The segment I am referring to is located in the screenshot. I have added in the construction area that is underway. |
It's somewhat left to local discretion. Advantages of marking temporary closures:
Disadvantages of marking temporary closures:
My own rule was that I wouldn't mark temporary closure unless it was planned to be longer than a year, but I am reducing that time to less than a month since hearing of OSMAnd users' experiences. 2
I think a year is about right. Lots of people use offline mapping which they might not update for months at a time. OSMand really needs to support conditional restrictions: https://github.com/osmandapp/Osmand/issues/1794
(20 Oct '18, 15:40)
Richard ♦
It should be mentioned that "marking temporary closures" only has a disadvantage if you change the plain access tags. If you, instead, do it like @InsertUser has suggested in their answer, then there rarely is a downside (but also no big advantage due to poor software support for conditional tags like "
(20 Oct '18, 17:29)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I recommend using highway=construction, construction=type where type is the normal highway value. This helps highlight it for people checking on construction updates and will at least let people manually route across it (and hopefully update it) if the data is out of date.
(23 Oct '18, 03:21)
Baloo Uriza
The wiki is a bit of a mess here. The closest I can find is "motor_vehicle:conditional=no @ (2018 May 22-2018 Oct 7)" from the page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Conditional_restrictions. It seems there is also a resurrection of the temporary proposal, but nothing has been decided yet. |