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Warning: Danger of drowning!

signs? doesn't do justice to their alarming nature. Note they might not be near a highway so are not highway signs.

E.g., near a dangerous pond that every other year has kids drown in it. was rejected.

asked 13 Oct '18, 12:23

jidanni's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

OK, apparently the best one can do is the bland: tourism=information

(14 Oct '18, 00:06) jidanni

Tag info can be used to see what others have used, or get ideas to make a new one. This is what key= warning lists. But Danger and Hazard could also be used with deep water or drowning risk for example. Your heading " warning = danger_of_drowning " seems good to me.

permanent link

answered 14 Oct '18, 09:59

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 14 Oct '18, 10:12


I tend to use approved items that I find on the wiki. But as this concerns "life and death" maybe something like adding warning=danger, danger=drowning.

(14 Oct '18, 18:19) jidanni

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question asked: 13 Oct '18, 12:23

question was seen: 2,177 times

last updated: 14 Oct '18, 18:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum