I'm creating a JavaScript map of specialty coffee shops I visit (there are a lot, I work in them). I have two data sources:
I've been trying to move as much data as possible from my JSON to OSM, which I then fetch through the Overpass API. This way I can also contribute to OSM! For some data, this is easy:
But for some other data, I'm not sure whether I should keep it in my JSON file, or contribute it to OSM. Here's some of this other data:
After a search on Taginfo, here are some useful tags I've found: (in the same order as the above list)
What do you think? Which tags should I be using? And where no tags are available, should I create some? Would the data be useful to OSM or should I keep it private? |
Thank you for adding these to OSM. I assume you are using amenity=cafe for these "coffee shops?" There is also a tag shop=coffee for a place that mainly sells coffee beans to take home.
Yes, "drink:espresso=yes" should work; it fits with the pattern on this page: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:drink
This may need a new tag, but it's a good idea. I might use "drink:brewed_coffee=yes" or "drink:pourover_coffee=yes". But I'll try asking some other people on the mailing list.
This probably changes too often to keep up-to-date. I wouldn't want to add the price of every single menu item.
This sounds subjective. But if there is a sign saying "No Laptops!" in the shop, you could consider adding a tag.
This is definitely interesting information, and I'm surprised there is not yet a popular tag for this. You could use "sells=coffee" or "sells=wholebean_coffee"? For a place that roasts coffee you could use craft=coffee_roaster, because it is like a small industry, similar to craft=brewery, but this would be for a business that principally roasts coffee rather than mainly being a cafe or shop. For breweries in restaurants, there is microbrewery=yes; so perhaps coffee_roaster=yes would be best as an additional tag for a cafe that also roasts a small amount of coffee to sell. 1
Thanks for your reply! Yes, I'm using So to recap, I'd be using I pretty much agree with you regarding prices being too volatile and laptop-friendliness too subjective. I can keep these local :) Finally I could tag roasters I'll give it a few days to see if others want to give some inputs, and then mark as solved. Thanks again!
(11 Oct '18, 09:10)
Sounds good. Do they call a coffee roasting facility a "roastery" in the business? I asked on the tagging mailing list, and it was suggested to use microroasting=yes as an additional tag for a cafe which also has a small roasting option. This has been used a couple of times in the database. The craft tag would be appropriate as the main tag for a small business that mainly roasts coffee (but not on an industrial scale), with coffee drinks as a minor side-business only.
(11 Oct '18, 13:03)
Joseph E
Thanks for asking and providing the details! I'll go for the I've accepted your answer - cheers!
(12 Oct '18, 09:32)
One last tiny question: if a coffee shop is NOT serving espresso, is it recommended to add
(12 Oct '18, 09:36)
Adding "drink:espresso=no" is good idea, especially if you are in North America or Europe, where most cafes are expected to serve espresso.
(12 Oct '18, 13:50)
Joseph E
Based on our talk I rewrote the wiki page for Feel free to edit and improve!
(15 Oct '18, 11:13)
showing 5 of 6
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Whether the coffee shop is laptop-friendly If there is wifi available you can add it as Everything else is covered in Joseph's answer. 1
Yes I'm already doing this, since these fields are suggested by the in-browser editor :)
(11 Oct '18, 10:09)