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I'd like to list the nodes that were created by a specified user with the Overpass API.

After stumbling on this wiki section I was able to fetch all nodes "touched" by a user.

I tested my own username, and as expected it returns all the nodes I've created and edited.[out:json];node(user:"robinmetral");out;

However I'm looking for a way to fetch only the nodes that a specified user has created, i.e. added to OSM for the first time (version 1).

Is there a way to do this? By looking at if the user has created the node's version 1 perhaps? Any inputs are welcome :)

Thanks for your help!

Side question: the wiki says that "the user filter selects all elements that have been last touched by the specified user". Why "last"? Does it select a limited number of elements?

asked 11 Oct '18, 03:36

robinmetral's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 20 Oct '18, 12:43

AFAIK, it is not possible to retrieve only revision 1 nodes via Overpass API.

(11 Oct '18, 04:09) escada

Hmm. Do you know of other possible solutions? Or would this be the only way?

(11 Oct '18, 04:45) robinmetral

Oooh I think I might have found a way using the OSM API instead of Overpass.

Looking at the history of a node with several versions (example in XML) I might be able to extract the user of version 1!

I'll look into it, but feel free to give me a hand if you know how to convert this XML to JSON and fetch it! :)

(11 Oct '18, 10:07) robinmetral

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, but I can not accept my own answer" by robinmetral 20 Oct '18, 12:43

So after some research, I solved my own question! I thought I'd post it on here in case someone else is looking for a similar solution.

Clarification: though I first asked how to list all nodes created by a specific user (because I thought it would be more straightforward), in my case what I really wanted was to check whether a list of nodes were created by a specified user.

I was able to do this through the OpenStreetMap API (not the Overpass API).

Basically, I use the following request syntax in a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest:,101v1,102v1,103v1 // etc.

Then I parse the XML response to get the value of the user="" class in each node.

Here are the relevant docs sections about retrieving an element's specific version and about fetching multiple elements at once.

permanent link

answered 12 Oct '18, 08:15

robinmetral's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 11 Oct '18, 03:36

question was seen: 3,904 times

last updated: 20 Oct '18, 12:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum