Hi, When I download the OSM information I have 5 layers. In one of them are the streets, the paths, the cycle roads,.... When you look at the computer, before the download, all of them have a different aspect but when you download the information all are the same in one layer. I would like to maintain the roads, but not the sidewalks, and to represent the cycle roads in a different way. How can I do it? Thanks for your help asked 10 Oct '18, 12:54 Mag bilbao |
From your comments it becomes apparent that you are using QGIS. You are right that different line types are all in the layer "lines". You can define a "rule-based" styling in QGIS where you say that every line with highway=primary should have one line style, and everything with highway=secondary another, and so on. Read up on rule-based layer styling in QGIS. Another option is Vector->Data Management Tools->Split Vector Layer, then set the "lines any" layer as input and the "highway" field as unique key, and QGIS will generate one new shape file for every highway type! answered 10 Oct '18, 15:15 Frederik Ramm ♦ I have been working on both ways and the second one looks better, but I haven arrived to the complet solution yet. Some lines appear divided in chunks, there is no order. I have tried in different ways, I will try again tomorrow because maybe I´m too tired now to see the solution. Thank you very much for your help!!!
(10 Oct '18, 22:38)
Mag bilbao
This sounds like a Geofabrik shape file extract. You should be able to filter on values of highway.
Please explain how you have "downloaded the OSM information" and in what software you "have 5 layers". There are different ways to process OSM data and in order to help you, we have to know which way you are using.
Hi, thanks for the asnwers. I don´t know how to work with Geofabrik, if you could give me some pieces of advice you will be welcome. I´m going to explain more: I work with GIS and in I click: vectorial/ OSM / Download dates / from the canvas / accept Then I add a new vectorial layer, I choose the one I have downloaded. When you open the osm. shape I find just 5 layers (lines, mulinestrings, multipolygons, other:relations and points) and I choose them. But my problem is that the information of the roads, paths, sidewalks and cycle roads are all of them in the layer "lines" and then I can´t distinguish them. I would like to delete some of them and to change the way to represent others. Thanks a lot for your attention
"with GIS"? ArcGIS? QGIS? Something other? Please provide details.
Re "I work with GIS" - which software?