I'm curious to find a way to estimate the number of OSM members who live in a particular country. I know about Pascal Neis's site where one can learn about one's relative rank by country in terms of contributions but it doesn't, AFAIK, provide the total number of mappers. Or maybe it does and I just haven't found it as yet. Thanks, Dave |
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/SimonPoole/diary/40246 You should read the original diary post to understand how the numbers were generated and the limitations they imply (if I get around to it, I intend to run the numbers again some time soon). Osmstats from Pascal has a country specific section that might be interesting too http://osmstats.neis-one.org/?item=countries&country=United%20States Thanks Simon, I'm familiar with Pascal's OSMStats site and it's helpful but it only lists the top 500 users in any given country but gives no indication of the total number of users in that country. Obtaining numbers using your method is too involved for my limited interest in this topic. I'm curious but not that curious. LOL By the way, I was after the total number of users registered who reside in the U.S. Whether they're active or not isn't important. As we know, many OSM users sign up, add their business or favorite POIs and then do nothing further. Hopefully, you'll run your analysis again at some point and if you do I'd be interested in seeing the results. Thanks again Dave
(09 Oct '18, 09:25)
There is currently no way to get any relevant information on "dormant" user accounts, outside of the OSMF doing the statistics directly on the user database themselves. Even if that happened, I'm not sure the numbers would be really helpful as we know that such numbers would include a high percentage of spammers that would be difficult to filter out.
(09 Oct '18, 09:52)
SimonPoole ♦
I did not know that the percentage of spammers was high enough to distort the user population numbers but I'm not surprised. I guess what I was looking for was a way to do what you say the OSMF can do, which is a simple tally of number of users by registered location. Thanks for the time you spent to answer my questions.
(09 Oct '18, 10:40)