I'm trying to find a way where I can keep track (automated) of the length of roads I add in OSM over time. Is there a script/tool/api that I can use to automatically download the ways (version =1) that I've added into OSM? I don't want to download from geofabrik and process via osmosis each time, and overpass has a limit of 100 returns. |
There are many different approaches you can take. I'd probably use osmium to convert the downloaded data into OPL format (using Awesome, thank you Jochen! The road_length tool looks promising.
(09 Oct '18, 19:06)
Hmm, actually it is "slightly" more complicated than just getting v1 of the way, as "to do it properly"TM you should add extensions of existing ways added by the user in question and to be really nit-picky new ways created by splits shouldn't be counted :-).
(10 Oct '18, 11:51)
SimonPoole ♦
This is OSM, of course it is always more complicated. I am just providing an answer to the original question, not saying that the question is valid. :-)
(10 Oct '18, 12:56)
Jochen Topf