How can I find nodes with "addr:housenumber" inside buildings with Overpass? I've found this snippet, but it doesn't work:
Well, here's a script that will get you some results, but it isn't really correct: [timeout:30]; way[building]({{bbox}}); ( node(around:5)["addr:housenumber"]; ); out meta; Some things to note:
If there's a way to actually filter whats inside the perimeters of the buildings, rather than using But with around I can't really check whether the node is inside or outside:
(08 Oct '18, 21:52)
That's right -- it gives both false positives and false negatives. That's why I said it isn't really correct. I'd like to know the correct answer too, if there is one!
(09 Oct '18, 00:54)
This enhancement request may be relevant
(09 Oct '18, 08:26)
Just curious, why do you need this query?