I'm using nominatim to get max road speed If the data is not present (only around 10% is), I can guess the roadspeed based on road type i.e. in the UK, if its a residential road, it will be 30mph, and if its a motorway it will be 70mph However the data returned does not indicate the road type, I get a OSM_TYPE of WAY, but that's it. Is the above possible? if so how can i alter my call to return this info? |
Building up on what Frederik said. Use format=jsonv2, then you'll see a field 'category' and 'type'. Example https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=jsonv2&lat=51.51465608749&lon=-3.1915241864833&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&extratags=1 shows 'category=highway', 'type=tertiary' which is equivalent to 'highway=tertiary' in https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/4968823 Same for forward search https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=jsonv2&q=Heathwood%20Road,%20Cardiff&addressdetails=1&extratags=1 great thanks So in the UK i can assume tertiary and residential are both 30mph, and highway is 70mph I guess primary, secondary etc are a bit harder to classify so i can leave these as unknown ?
(08 Oct '18, 13:57)
Mark Davies1664
Probably. And there might be limits if it's inside or outside a city boundary. maxspeed is complex https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Key:maxspeed and I'd check if there was previous discussion on https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb (or start a new one)
(08 Oct '18, 15:22)
Nominatim seems like an odd choice to get max road speed?
Can you give an example query that does not tell you the road type when you expected it to do so?
I'm using it to get the road name and roadspeed as one call Here is an example of one
{"place_id":"70381573","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/osm.org\/copyright", "osm_type":"way", "osm_id":"4968823", "lat":"51.51465608749", "lon":"-3.1915241864833", "display_name":"Heathwood Road, Heath, Cardiff, Wales, CF, UK","address": {"road":"Heathwood Road", "suburb":"Heath", "city":"Cardiff", "county":"Cardiff", "state":"Wales", "postcode":"CF", "country":"UK", "country_code":"gb"}, "extratags":{"foot":"yes", "lanes":"2", "oneway":"no", "surface":"asphalt", "maxspeed":"30 mph"}, "boundingbox":["51.5115152","51.516782","-3.1997308","-3.1860733"]}
Which query led to this result - did you do a "search.php?q=Heathwood Road, Cardiff" or rather a "reverse.php?lat=51.514656&lon=-3.191524" or...? Please specify exact URL as it might be relevant for finding the problem.
Its Reverse and JSON Here is an example http://myurl.com/nominatim/reverse?format=json&lat=51.51465608749&lon=-3.1915241864833&zoom=18&addressdetails=1&extratags=1