Dear Sir or Madame, We are Qlik partners, which is a business intelligence tool that uses OpenStreetMap for map visualisations. One of our client has strict rules and policies and they expostulate OpenStreetMap, because it gathers client data, for example IP addresses or GPS locations. We would like to ask for exact information in this theme, that we can forward to our client as Qlik Support suggests us the same. Thank you in advance. Best regards, Tibor asked 02 Oct '18, 14:21 Tibor_K |
You don't say exactly which aspect of OpenStreetMap is used by Qlik. If Qlik uses the map tiles from our web site in order to display maps to its users, then every Qlik user will leave a usage data footprint on our servers, and Qlik should make their users aware of that. What we do with this data and how we process it, is governed by our privacy policy outlined here: (search for "tile" in order to find the relevant bits). If Qlik users are unhappy with this data processing, then Qlik should think about setting up their own server to supply map tiles, rather than using our server, which would then ensure that any usage information remains within Qlik. See for information on setting up your own tile server. answered 02 Oct '18, 15:37 Frederik Ramm ♦ Dear Frederik, Thank you for your answer. Regarding the attached Privacy Policy document, if we understood well the relevant parts of the document, OpenStreetMap only stores the client's IP address. Are there any other user information which is gathered and stored? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Tibor
(03 Oct '18, 14:05)
Remember that if you want to increase your client's privacy even more, you can always host and serve the OSM data yourself or using a trusted party other than answered 02 Oct '18, 15:33 Vincent de P... ♦ |