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I am a newbie to OSM . Please guide me how to add direction arrows(traffic) for a street.



asked 27 Jul '11, 09:03

mjk6035's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 30 Nov '11, 08:08


Thanks for the answers . Let me just rephrase my question as it seems its not clear .

I want to know how to display direction arrows(traffic) on a two lane road where traffic can go in both directions . Street is not one way



(27 Jul '11, 12:55) mjk6035

Where do you want to display this? Are you talking about your own rendering? Then which renderer are you using?

(27 Jul '11, 17:47) dieterdreist

I thought all roads are assumed to be two way, unless marked one way. or have I missed your point

(28 Jul '11, 15:28) andy mackey

The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by mjk6035 30 Nov '11, 08:08

I assume you mean arrows indicating the direction of one-way streets ? The tag you need to add is . Note also that way objects in OSM have an inherant direction, and that you may want to revert that direction in the editor (using the 'v' key in potlach2, 'r' key in JOSM) before tagging "oneway=yes".

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answered 27 Jul '11, 11:16

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

You should probably say "reverse" not "revert"

(28 Jul '11, 14:26) Harry Wood

remember to check that there is no footway=left or footway=right tag (designating the side of the road the pavement is on) before reversing the way... Potlatch2 for example won't correct this when you reverse the way...

(29 Jul '11, 18:10) c2r

Set the direction of the street in OSM to match the traffic direction, then add the tag oneway=yes Wiki - oneway . If you are using Potlatch and need to reverse the direction of the OSM way, click on the "Reverse Direction" button in the lower right corner.

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answered 27 Jul '11, 11:19

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

Matthew you don't need to put a oneway tag on a two lane road with traffic in both directions. A highway has some assumptions that you do not need to tag level=0 (ground), lanes=2, oneway=no

Now if a road has 4 (or whatever is appropriate) lanes with traffic in both directions (not divided) I tag it as... lanes=4 lanes:forward=2 lanes:backward=2

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answered 04 Aug '11, 16:57

Sundance's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%

If your two-lane road is a dual carriageway / motorway where the two lanes are physically separated by grass/gravel/a barrier etc. then draw two parallel lines, one for each carriageway and treat each as a one way street.

If however your question is about how a normal road is being drawn by the various map renderers, then you won't see arrows on a two way road unless you set up your own renderer to do it.

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answered 27 Jul '11, 14:17

srbrook's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

edited 28 Jul '11, 03:00

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 27 Jul '11, 09:03

question was seen: 10,258 times

last updated: 30 Nov '11, 08:49

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