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On, how can I search for one or several tags (OSQA tags, not OSM tags) and for question or answer content at the same time?

E.g., how do I search for all questions that are tagged with meta and mention the term "password"?

asked 18 Sep '18, 22:00

das-g's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't think there is a dedicated way how to search exactly like that. But if you just type "meta password" in the search field, it will return results that are tagged meta and contain password. But of course it will also return results that are not tagged meta but contain both meta and password, or other combinations.

Other way that I can think of is to just view your desired tag eg meta, set the amount of questions per page to max and just use your browsers search engine to find "password" on the page. Obviously it will only work for question titles not contents.

permanent link

answered 18 Sep '18, 22:13

ivss_xx's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 18 Sep '18, 22:00

question was seen: 1,963 times

last updated: 18 Sep '18, 22:13

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