Point: "Rifugio Elena Tironi" - Italy - lombardia - Esine The point "Rifugio Elena TironI" (Italy - Lombardy - Esine) appears correctly only with enlarged map. If I make it smaller (function -), the wrong previous name appears. What can you correct? Thanks Paolo C. |
I guess you are referring to this refugio: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/194459454/ The name was changed two hours ago. It might need some time for the map to update. Did you test with the above linked map or with any other? Different maps need different times to update all information. It might help to reload the map from the server to delete the browser cache (often Control + F5 does the trick). If the change was made by you: Please note that the name should not include the elevation. So please change name='Rifugio Elena Tironi - 1705m" to name='Rifugio Elena Tironi'. 1
Thank you very much! Great! I immediately provide the correction of the quota repeated twice
(18 Sep '18, 10:50)
This is only because the update was made so recently. actually, now it shows the new name at all zoom levels already. Just give the map some time to update and also clear your browser cache to make sure it is not because of your browser just using the old data. In Chrome Shift+F5 will force reload the current view without using cache. As mentioned above, name should not include the elevation (unless it is part of the name). Thank you very much!
(18 Sep '18, 11:15)