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I'd like to produce a A1 or A0 map of Great Britain or the British Isles (or maybe just England and Wales) with a very simple presentation for most OSM data, but with all the waymarked hiking pathsin detail and maybe bike routes, waterways and a good selection of town names.

I've done lots of medium/long distance walks, and I'd like to print off the map and highlight (with a highlighter pen) the walks I've done.

None of the on-line map-making tools I've found will produce something at that size, and none will show the waymarked trails.

I'm reasonably comfortable with building software from packages on Linux, but there are so many packages and tools out there (some of which seem like abandonware) that I don't know where to start. Having a Mapnik install might not do the trick - because it would produce millions of tiny .png files. Perhaps there is a away to produce something in vector mode that could be converted to a PDF.

Are there off-the-shelf map styles that sort-of do what I'm looking for?

asked 15 Sep '18, 18:22

spiregrain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(16 Sep '18, 21:11) scai ♦

This should be fairly easy to do using the relevant OSM vector data and QGIS.

At a minimum you need an extract of all route=hiking (perhaps with additional filters), and either a suitable tile layer as background or (more complex) build your own background using OSM vector data.

For an A4 size print with Orkney & Shetland in cartouches I use a scale of 1:2.4M in OSGB projection (EPSG:27700). This would be 1:1.2M for A2 and 1:600k for A0 (if my maths is right). The latter is approximately the same as various synoptic OS maps usually billed as 10 miles to the inch. Using OSGB means that you may need your own background as names in Google projection are much less readable when raster tiles are re-projected. OS OpenData products may be an easier way to achieve a decent background rather than using OSM. In my experience I often start with OS OpenData and then move some features over to OSM because of things like having more attributes.

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answered 15 Sep '18, 21:38

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%


Thanks for this; I've finally got it working. It'll take a bit of tinkering until I'm totally happy to get it printed, but everything is working.

(16 Oct '18, 22:58) spiregrain

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question asked: 15 Sep '18, 18:22

question was seen: 2,243 times

last updated: 16 Oct '18, 22:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum