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my ios app has 10,000 users in one city, and they wii collect the trajectory in gpx format, i want to add way to openstreetmap use their gpx trajectory.

there will be almost 100,000 gpx files one day, so it is not possible to edit map manual by software such as JOSN.

I want to know if I can product ways accord to the 100,0000 gpx files automatic,I need a C++ library which can do this,can anyone help me please?

my app users are in a small city of china, the current data in OSM about the city is not enough, it is nearly no roads in the small city, many roads are missing,so I must add the missing roads to the map.

what I need is to make the whole road network first, then I can calculate the bicycle distance between any two different points of the city for my app。If the road network is not correct, it is not possible to get the distance.

Because all I need is to get the distance of any two different points of the city, so the additional information is not necessary for me。

Is it possible that I can make my own map without the OSM data, I just begin from an empty map data,and I generate ways out of GPX files?

How can I generate a map only use my GPX files on my own server, it is no need to use current OSM data for me.

Even that I still need to solve the three problems above。In Problem two, if some gpx files show that someone turn left of turn right on one cross track, is it meens that this is a road junction but not one of the ways is a bridge ?

asked 14 Sep '18, 13:52

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edited 14 Sep '18, 22:13

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


@脸同学 please also note that you need to respect the privacy of your users. Did they agree that you publish their travels? Also make sure that you "not infringe the intellectual property rights of anyone else" (see CT). Did you users give you the copyright permission to publish and use their data?

(14 Sep '18, 22:11) aseerel4c26 ♦

Automatically converting GPX files to OSM ways is discouraged.

This is not a technical issue. It is not very hard to generate ways out of GPX files. However it is technically not feasible to add them to existing OSM infrastructure:

  • GPX tracks will overlap with existing OSM data and with other GPX tracks. It is not possible to automatically detect whether there are two parallel ways or if this is just one single way. Especially in cities where GPS accuracy is low due to high buildings.
  • GPX tracks will cross existing OSM data and other GPX tracks. It is not possible to automatically detect whether there is a road junction or one of the ways is a bridge or a tunnel.
  • It is not possible to automatically detect which OSM highway class (road, footway, cycleway, ...) your GPX track has.

In other words: You will inevitably create bad data of limited use.

Also, just importing a bunch of GPX ways will just lead to roads without any additional information. You will get a road network without street names, maxspeed information, POIs, addresses and so on.

However please note that your GPX tracks are not worthless. You can upload them to OSM so that you or other users can use them for manually editing and for aligning aerial imagery.

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answered 14 Sep '18, 14:32

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 14 Sep '18, 14:34

Because there are 100,000 gpx files everyday, GPX tracks will overlap with other GPX tracks all the times,how can I detect that if this is just one single way?

The problem three is about how to detect which OSM highway class (road, footway, cycleway, ...) my GPX track has.what about all my gpx tracts are cycleway, it is no need to detect that, because my app users will only use the app when thay are on a bicycle.

(14 Sep '18, 15:38) 脸同学

This doesn't really matter. You can drive a bicycle on a cycleway, on a road and even on a footway, depending on the local law.

(14 Sep '18, 16:04) scai ♦

Strava did something similar for the tracks they collect. They created a heatmap, which the OSM community could use during manual mapping. They ran into problems with isolated tracks that could reveal too much information. and had to solve this.

(15 Sep '18, 06:44) escada

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question asked: 14 Sep '18, 13:52

question was seen: 2,759 times

last updated: 15 Sep '18, 06:44

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum