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What are the limits of tile usage in OSM?

I am currently using Google Maps API and planning to switch to OSM. Currently, I have 15000 hits per month.

Is this stats within the usage limit?

asked 13 Sep '18, 13:22

AnoopGopi's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 13 Sep '18, 13:23

I guess there aren't any hard limits on purpose. If you put too much stress on the tile servers (or other OSM services) you will get blocked.

OSM's public services have limited resources. You shouldn't run into any problems for small, personal projects. However if you intent to run a business using OSM data then either setup your own tile server or switch to a paid third-party provider. The same guidelines apply for other services such as geocoding and routing.

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answered 14 Sep '18, 07:37

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

It's hard to say. Please read this policy first:

There are links to contact system administrators if you need further assistance.

permanent link

answered 13 Sep '18, 22:48

kocio's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Thanks kocio for your answer. I tried to contact them via but didn't yet got any response. Are there any other options to contact them?

(14 Sep '18, 05:38) AnoopGopi

Probably this could work:

(14 Sep '18, 06:09) kocio

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question asked: 13 Sep '18, 13:22

question was seen: 15,096 times

last updated: 14 Sep '18, 07:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum