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House numbers are used after the street name in Norway. Then why will that order often fail in providing the correct location from Nominatim, while the reverse order (house number before street) will succeed (in Norway)?

Is there perhaps a wrong or missing parameter for Norway in Nominatim?


asked 13 Sep '18, 08:48

NKA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Nominatim supports both equally, it has no logic based on country here. It's actually a side-effect on how addresses are returned, again without logic based on country ( The returned address is "1, Motzfeldts gate, Arctanderbyen, Grønland, Gamle Oslo, Oslo, 0187, Norway" and "Motzfeldtsgate 1" gets an ordering penalty score for not having the house number in first position. is very detailed, check foundorder near the botton of the page.

It's a good example where that doesn't give the intended result. Can you add it to ?

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answered 13 Sep '18, 15:05

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 13 Sep '18, 08:48

question was seen: 4,449 times

last updated: 13 Sep '18, 15:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum