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Hi , I'm pretty new to OSM but I am trying to map all the Recreational areas of my town. I have come across creascent road playing fields and play park which have been included with the neighbouring local school. Any advice on how to proceed ?

Way: Wrekin View Primary School and Nursery (393050942) Moved Wrekin View Primary tags from point to area

Edited over 2 years ago by Fledge Version #2 ยท Changeset #36906633 Links to the OSM edit and the local council website . Thanks in advance

asked 12 Sep '18, 20:33

Kiwibling's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Go ahead and adjust the boundary. I'd be willing to bet that almost nobody who maps these places knows the actual boundary of a school with any degree of precision. I'm pretty sure user fledge didn't. Just extend it using visual cues obvious from the imagery. ESRI Clarity in that area is quite clear.

If you wish, you could also add several sport pitches based on the ESRI imagery. There is what looks like a leisure=playground to the rear of the Catholic school and on the north side of the big grassy pitch on the elementary school property. There are several pitches that might be used for basketball and a couple of soccer fields as well. A ground survey would resolve those questions.

Also, the council website suggests the big playing field, the Crescent Road Playing Field, is accessible from Crescent Road. I see what looks like a service road to that field in the SE corner of that field. You might want to add that to your list of edits.


permanent link

answered 13 Sep '18, 00:32

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 13 Sep '18, 00:34

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question asked: 12 Sep '18, 20:33

question was seen: 1,528 times

last updated: 13 Sep '18, 00:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum