I've dreaded asking this question, but I honestly don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure I've read everything out there pertaining to Landuse=Grass and it is not pretty. My primary question is what to do about a medium to large area of grass that surrounds a single residence, but is clearly not the yard. Let's say you have a single residence with about 1 acre of "yard" that is mowed weekly and heavily manicured. Surrounding that 1 acre is a fence. Then, outside that fence, is 20 acres of just open grass. It is not fenced, there is no cattle/horses/animals of any kind, and there is no evidence they even use it for hay. But they mow it twice a year with a tractor.(we call it brush-hogging). To me, the residential landuse clearly stops at the fence around the 1 acre of manicured lawn surrounding the residence. But what is the landuse of the large grassy land that is lightly maintained? Is this the rare case where landuse=grass is appropriate? I know some people feel landuse=grass should never be used. Others say to just tag it landcover=grass, but I feel like everything should have a landuse. It just makes sense. Currently, I've just been tagging this Landuse=grassland, but since it gets mowed I feel like this isn't right. Thoughts? |
I don't like using landuse for anything that isn't maintained by humans for some purpose, be it farmland, industrial, or residential, etc., so I too would favor landcover=grass. I would not use landcover=lawn because you said it was not maintained for pasture or hay nor is it mowed as is a typical lawn in one's neigborhood. If those people doing the "brush-hogging" are using the cuttings to feed livestock, say, then landuse=meadow might be more appropriate. Dave |
I guess I am one of those people who think an area of mowed grass or lawn is not natural and not a use but a cover. So I'd probably tag it as landcover=grass or landcover=lawn. |