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Hospitals in my city are organized as following:

  • they are typically located in several smaller buildings, each having their own number (building 1, building 5A and so on). "Building #1" goes into the name, right?
  • each building holds one or more wards. For example: building number 1 holds surgical ward and hepatology ward. How do I tag these? I've put that into name: "Building #1 - wards: surgical, hepatology" - but this doesn't feel right
  • when you have an emergency you go to a reception room where they put you on a stretcher if necessary and transfer you to the doctor. I've seen this proposed feature in the wiki but it doesn't seem to be implemented - not even autocompletion in iD knows about this tag. What's the right way to tag it? It's the most crucial information in life threatening situations and it's not always obvious where this entrance is.

Any idea about this, or maybe someone could point me to a properly tagged hospital with all that information?

asked 12 Sep '18, 18:08

wawg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

WRT to "wards" I would suggest using SIT (Simple Indoor Tagging) if you really want to go in to so much detail.

Entrances should be nodes tagged with "entrance=yes" (not with entrance=emergency that is for emergency exits) and potentially an appropriate name.

There is likely no harm in adding a emergency=emergency_ward_entrance tag to the entrance, but I wouldn't expect any rendering of it on its own.

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answered 16 Sep '18, 08:53

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 16 Sep '18, 09:05

A building number should go into a ref and not into a name in my opinion. Emergency ward entrances are for example rendered in Wambacher's emergency map.

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answered 16 Sep '18, 19:46

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 12 Sep '18, 18:08

question was seen: 2,173 times

last updated: 16 Sep '18, 19:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum