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We setup our own instance of nominatim(version 3.1.0) with planet data (Planet data downloaded on July 1st week 2018 & not yet updating regularly).

The below Nominatim reverse geocode URL return correct data.

But my nominatim server return incorrect result(postalcode only incorrect) as follows:

{"place_id":"1568360","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"way","osm_id":"390034175","lat":"19.18943535","lon":"72.9461104562161","display_name":"MANGAL KARYALAY, Shreenagar Main Rd, Kisan Nagar, ठाणे, Thane, Maharashtra, 560092, India","address":{"townhall":"MANGAL KARYALAY","road":"Shreenagar Main Rd","suburb":"Kisan Nagar","city":"ठाणे","state_district":"Thane","state":"Maharashtra","postcode":"560092","country":"India","country_code":"in"},"boundingbox":["19.1891871","19.1896785","72.9458731","72.9463452"]}

Note: The same data may updated recently(after i have downloaded planet data)? If yes, how to confirm the same. I tried as . But it shows timestamp as 2 years old.

asked 11 Sep '18, 07:24

Rajavelu_M's gravatar image

accept rate: 33%

edited 11 Sep '18, 19:18

Try running ./utils/update.php --calculate-postcodes from the build directory. It will look at all postcodes and recalculate their (center) position.

permanent link

answered 11 Sep '18, 12:25

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

edited 11 Sep '18, 12:26

@mtmail: Thanks for your reply. But, Still got the same incorrect postcode only.

Also tried as fresh import of india data only ( ). But got the above incorrect postcode only. Is there any changes done in Nominatim_3.2.0 for this issue? (Note: I am using 3.1.0)

(11 Sep '18, 18:27) Rajavelu_M

Sounds like the OSM postcode data might be incorrect and is displaying older data. Go to zoom in to India and run the query "addr:postcode=560092" in the wizard. It will show one postcode 100km away from the others. That could be a reason. There's even two more that don't quite fit the others (10km away).

(11 Sep '18, 18:44) mtmail

@mtmail: Thanks again. Yes. Thats the issue. Now i have deleted that incorrect node in osm and re-import with latest india data. Got correct postcode data now.

(14 Sep '18, 11:05) Rajavelu_M

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question asked: 11 Sep '18, 07:24

question was seen: 2,117 times

last updated: 14 Sep '18, 11:06

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum