For example I just added a rectangular (about 1000 square metres) common land on which it's just plain dirt. Pedestrians can walk anywhere on it (there are no particular paths). Although there are 4 paths that lead to this common land (on each side). In cases like that, do I draw pedestrian paths crossing the land or do I stop the paths at the edge of the land ? Is it the same case with parkings, sport fields like basketball or football fields, pedestrian areas or even with playing areas ? Thank you. |
If there are customary routes that pedestrians (or cyclists) take across this area, you can map them, even if they are not visibly different than the surrounding surface, perhaps connecting the ways on boths sides. Alternately, you can use highway=path and area=yes. This is meant to show that the entire area can be used for multidirectional travel. Unfortunately, most current routing software is not able to provide free routes across areas; it is much simpler to follow ways. Do you have a link to the particular area? |