Hello, I ride a bike and I use a GPS navigation. As I am having problems on my trips, I would like them to be corrected. I tried, for example, to put an access = private or access = no attribute on a path segment. Then I even deleted the path segment. But the various services tested (OSM, Osmand, Grapphoper ...), even after several days, do not show change. They continue to trace journeys through a forbidden or no longer existing private road. Why ? If you have solutions and answers, thank you very much !! asked 02 Sep '18, 10:38 Uloomji SimonPoole ♦ |
You would need to link to an example for specific help, but at least for Osmand you need would typically need to update your on device map data (the full maps are updated roughly monthly, so you wouldn't expect an immediate change in behaviour). The online router will typically need at least a day or two to update, some more. That said, please -don't- delete ways that really exist, setting the access tags to whatever they correctly are is the proper solution. answered 02 Sep '18, 11:09 SimonPoole ♦ Thanks for answering. Here is the link : https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/41381386#map=16/42.6259/2.9703 Then I re-established the path. Most routing services (Osmand, Grapphopper, Openrouteservice, Geovelo, OSM itself...) continue to use the private and forbidden path for the proposed routes. I do not know which engine all these sites and applications use. I would like to know how to correct this and many other issues because I would like to enrich the project with my knowledge.
(04 Sep '18, 07:14)
@Uloomji: OSRM and graphhopper both already do not use this path anymore. For all other services which use OSM data you just need to wait until they do the next update. For OsmAnd it is monthly. By the way: Is the "path" a street (two-tracked vehicles) or only a small path? I see you have changed it.
(04 Sep '18, 07:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦
If you want to see your changes in OsmAnd almost immediately you can subscribe to OsmAnd Live and enable daily/hourly updates. This costs a little monthly fee, however.
(04 Sep '18, 10:13)
scai ♦
Thanks ! As i said, I am testing/improving bicycle routing. I feel concerned into walking too. This private path should not allow any kind of access by unauthorized person/vehicle (not just cars). And this nearby segment https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/187768979#map=16/42.6282/2.9740 should also not be allowed to any kind of vehicle or any person (same private area) : a routing for two-tracked vehicles should not take this way (Grapphoper should not). I change its access type to test (access=no). The problem is not solved. Answer to your question : on a side the path is vegetated again and there is now a mound of earth or rubble, on the other it merges with an orchard (I should not tell you that because it is forbidden :).
(04 Sep '18, 10:54)
Note routing.openstreetmap.de updates daily and has multiple profiles. In the end how to interpret access restrictions is up to the designers of the corresponding routing profiles, there is no mandatory requirement, legal or other, to do so in a specific way. In general though routers will respect *=private, if they don't you should be pointing this out to the respective operators, there is little to nothing we here can do.
(04 Sep '18, 10:59)
SimonPoole ♦
@Uloomji: as said, Graphhopper DOES (in the meantime) take your access=private into account, see here
(04 Sep '18, 21:26)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Thanks. Just done a couple of hours ago. Modification made about 10 days ago.
(05 Sep '18, 09:05)
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