We maintain our OSM files locally for some months now and start to see roads that moved between our copy (Using Overpass turbo) and the online version. Those were indeed misaligned with aerial data. How can we catchup with the changes done by the community ? We are looking for a solution to merge our OSM files with the changes done on the map by the community. How can we do that ? Is there automated tools for that ? The only thing we changed on the maps is adding an attribute to some streets. We tried Osmosis but it doesn't merge, it only adds the changes to the layer. Thanks a lot ! |
If you have the data in an osm2pgsql database you can add triggers that will add back your property to changed ways during a conventional update with diffs. But I suspect simply generating a list of the ways that you have changed and reapplying the change after a re-import would be simpler. In any case you will need to look at deletion and additions too. Perhaps a better approach would be to use https://github.com/sharedstreets/sharedstreets-ref-system or OSMLR references for your attributes which then could be reapplied after updating and which would be immune to geometry operations that cause issues (splits, new ways and so on). "
(24 Aug '18, 09:56)
Well in what format/database schema do you have the data locally?
(24 Aug '18, 11:08)
SimonPoole ♦