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Thank you for providing osm cake, that is wonderful an offer.

Attempted to read india-latest.osm.pbf to .csv file using osmconvert.exe. Built structure with following keys: addr:street addr:postcode addr:district addr:subdistrict addr:state addr:country @id @lat @lon

The outcome showed values only for three keys: id, latitude, longitude. The rest were null. Need your support to know the reason for null output and how get value instead.

The command used in osmconvert.exe is given below osmconvert india-latest.osm.pbf --csv="addr:street addr:postcode addr:district addr:subdistrict addr:state addr:country @id @lat @lon" -o=indiancountry.csv

asked 23 Aug '18, 05:34

mbracedevelop's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I'm not 100% sure how osmconvert works, but I suspect that if there is no tag for those keys, then it will output a null value. So what you're seeing makes sense. Additionally, OSM has plenty of objects that do no have address details, so you might want to filter it first.

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answered 23 Aug '18, 12:28

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%


Yes you will need to filter the data only for those keys: something like : 1. osmconvert india.pbf --out-o5m >india.o5m 2. osmfilter --keep="addr:street"= india.o5m >india.addr.o5m 3. osmconvert to csv.

You will probably need quite a complex filter to cover addresses with only some of the addr:* tags you want. Also if you want pure lat/lon I'd recommend using --all-to-nodes.

(23 Aug '18, 14:35) SK53 ♦

Tried the script. Displayed error :could not get 183500800 bytes of memory

(25 Aug '18, 04:54) mbracedevelop

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question asked: 23 Aug '18, 05:34

question was seen: 2,305 times

last updated: 25 Aug '18, 04:54

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum