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I am trying to remove yellow/brownish stripes in the background of my map in JOSM. I have no idea how they got there. I have several maps open in JOSM and they show only on one and always the same one. It is not possible to select them. When zoom in or zoom out, the spaces between stripes stay the same.


I really hope someone can help me.

Thank you

asked 21 Aug '18, 11:00

linsimoux's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 22 Aug '18, 20:57

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Do you see a difference using different mappaint backgrounds?
Josm: Ctrl+W Toggle between wireframe and mappaint mode
A sreencapture would help

(21 Aug '18, 17:01) nevw

Please upload an image e.g. at a image hoster like and provide the resulting link here.

(21 Aug '18, 19:58) aseerel4c26 ♦

The diagonal stripes are usually to indicate that you are looking at something that is outside of your download area. If you choose "zoom to download area" from the view menu do you see an area in the middle of your screen without any hatching? If I remember correctly there is a setting to turn it off, but it's probably better not to as it serves a useful purpose.

(21 Aug '18, 23:43) InsertUser

@nevw I tried and the diagonal stripes are still there

@aseerel4c26 here is a picture of it

@InsertUser Yes there is an area without any hatching, but it is not on the area I am working on. Do you know how to turn it off ?

(22 Aug '18, 08:20) linsimoux

meta @linsimoux: Thanks for the screenshot (I have uploaded it here locally for you). I have accepted your answer on your behalf.

(22 Aug '18, 21:00) aseerel4c26 ♦

Ok, I found it !

The thing I had to do was to disable the "Draw boundaries of downloaded data" box.

Thank you @InsertUser for telling me what those lines were there for, it helped a lot to find the answer !

permanent link

answered 22 Aug '18, 09:07

linsimoux's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

yes, you can disable the display, but as was stated, you should not edit (and upload) in partially downloaded areas (those with the hatching). Some ways will extend beyond the downloaded area but if you edit them you might damage other ways that are not currently downloaded.

(22 Aug '18, 21:47) dieterdreist

I think what happened is that another part of the map has been downloaded in the same layer as the map I am working on (downloaded previously). So the ways in the hatching area are well downloaded.Tell me if I am wrong.

(23 Aug '18, 08:10) linsimoux

To be safe, just download that area again, and the hatching should vanish.

(23 Aug '18, 20:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 21 Aug '18, 11:00

question was seen: 2,664 times

last updated: 23 Aug '18, 20:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum