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I've tried to search the Wiki but found no relevant info. I'm in search of a way to indicate if a building has electricity or not (and as a detail if it's connected to the town's electricity network or uses its own power supply).

From TagInfo I found some used tag electricity=* which seems to fit my needs but it has no documentation and not clear enough for me to use. If someone knows something it would be very much appreciated ;-) I might start documenting the tag based on what we say here.


UPDATE: A thread about this has been opened at Tagging mailing list:

asked 21 Aug '18, 06:02

Privatemajory's gravatar image

accept rate: 23%

edited 31 Aug '18, 06:01

OSM has an Any tags you like approach. The wiki lists "approved" tags, but tags don't have to be approved. I suggest you look at the object history of those objects with that electricity tag and contact the mappers who added it. Start discussing the idea with them (since they are people who are interested in mapping this). You can post on the tagging mailing list to get feedback, and even start a wiki proposal as well, or document it on the wiki That can get feedback and raise it's visibility.

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answered 21 Aug '18, 08:48

rorym's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Based on a quick browse of Overpass, it looks the main use of the electricity=: tag is to describe whether electrical power is available (mostly used in campsites and shelters in Europe, and medical clinics in Africa). Some values like solar and generator indicate the sources of electrical power, but I don't know offhand how you'd specify "connected to the town's electricity network"... Maybe electricity=grid?

Following the current namespace-happy tagging trends, I could imagine tagging with electricity=yes/no/intermittent and electricity:source=solar/generator/windmill/grid/whatever. Other possible details might be electricity:voltage=, electricity:fee=, etc.

If you intend to create a page on the wiki, definitely bring this up on the Tagging mailing list, there may be some valuable input there. If you want to create a formal proposal, see

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answered 21 Aug '18, 17:39

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thank you. I'm also in favor of the use of namespaces which seems more practical for adding details such as you already mentioned.

(21 Aug '18, 17:45) Privatemajory

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question asked: 21 Aug '18, 06:02

question was seen: 1,951 times

last updated: 31 Aug '18, 06:01

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum