What is the suggested approach regarding the local name of an officially unnamed land mass? There is a small island which is officially unnamed on charts of other government maps. However it has a colloquial name. Should the colloquial name be used in the name= tag, or should it be left unnamed. |
Usage is what makes really a name. If the colloquial name is used by many people and is even the only (not several names) colloquial name for the island, then I would tag this name as To make clear that this is a local name set Thank you. That makes perfect sense.
(22 Aug '18, 16:26)
with regard to names, OSM is interested in collecting also alternative names, former names and other names. Besides name, there is for example official_name, loc_name, reg_name, nat_name, alt_name, old_name, short_name and more (see wiki).
(22 Aug '18, 21:58)