A local sports pitch is used for hurling, but that is not available in the sports pitch type dropdown. How do I add it, or can someone else add it? |
Searching for "hurling" on the wiki and taginfo it is evedant that the correct tags for hurling is sport=gaelic_games and gaelic_games:hurling=yes. You can help documenting this on the wiki if you want. Agree with the above since Gaelic Football and Hurling use the same sized pitch and goals, the generic gaelic_games:hurling=yes is best
(18 Aug '18, 00:28)
Also I think this has been discussed & agreed in the past on talk-ie.
(18 Aug '18, 12:49)
SK53 ♦
@markreidyhp ... and if you do not know how to add "tags" like
(18 Aug '18, 19:32)
aseerel4c26 ♦