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The address of 1175 Warrenton Road, Fredericksburg VA 22406 is missing from search. when we look at the location of this address in the OSM map, however, we see the POI listed, with the correct address. However search does not return result.

Manual plot of current road. Accuracy questionable. Mapping for these lots is severely outdated. Recommend update satellite imagery.

Edited 5 days ago by bwisenfci

Version #1 ยท Changeset #61537633

Location: 38.3687576, -77.5263081

Tags addr:city Fredericksburg addr:housenumber 1175 addr:postcode 22406 addr:state VA addr:street Warrenton Road name Lidl shop supermarket

asked 15 Aug '18, 15:14

Craig%20B%20Clawson's gravatar image

Craig B Clawson
accept rate: 0%

permanent link

answered 15 Aug '18, 21:42

rmikke's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yeah, nominatim is calculating the city based on the administrative boundary and not the addr:city tag:

(15 Aug '18, 21:52) maxerickson

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question asked: 15 Aug '18, 15:14

question was seen: 1,567 times

last updated: 15 Aug '18, 21:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum