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Hello everyone, just want to ask how to find a golf course that also with golf features linked (e.g golf holes, tee, green)?

I used the following script to find the golf course in a list format in Overpass turbo:

[out:csv(::id,::type,"name")]; area[name="London"]->.a; ( node(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; way(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; rel(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; ); out;

I can find out the list of golf course , but once i add golf=hole, i cannot find the golf hole , is it related to the unfinished mapping of the golf course or i am using the wrong script to query for a golf course details?

Thanks everyone!

8/14/2018 11:44PM edit

the script i use to query the golf course with golf features is as follow:

[out:csv(::id,::type,"name")]; area[name="London"]->.a; ( node(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; way(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; rel(area.a)[leisure=golf_course]; node(area.a)[golf=hole]; way(area.a)[golf=hole]; rel(area.a)[golf=hole]; ); out;

and i receive the follow result(just part of it): 436469360 way 485708432 way South Norwood Pitch and Putt 498692711 way Hole 1 498955422 way Hole 2 498955430 way Hole 3 498960293 way Hole 4 498960312 way Hole 5 499153239 way Hole 6 499153253 way Hole 7 499153272 way Hole 8 499153283 way Hole 9 499157766 way Hole 10 499157773 way Hole 11 499996506 way Hole 13 499996508 way Hole 17 499996512 way Hole 12 499996513 way Hole 15 499996516 way Hole 18 499996519 way Hole 16 501679797 way 508221481 way 9 Hole Par 3 Golf Course 511273594 way Alexandra Palace Pitch & Putt

what i want to ask is whether i can use this script to query the golf course mapped with golf features already? thanks a lot !  

asked 14 Aug '18, 04:48

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edited 14 Aug '18, 16:48

There are five golf courses with golf=hole in London, so you should get some results. Can you edit your question to add the query you're trying to use for getting the holes? There may just be a problem with the syntax.

(14 Aug '18, 16:40) alester

Hello Alester, i have edited the question, thanks for the suggest!

(14 Aug '18, 16:49) JohnLee65

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question asked: 14 Aug '18, 04:48

question was seen: 1,815 times

last updated: 14 Aug '18, 16:49

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