I found a a walking path and I would like to download the GPS trace but I am non able to find it in the OSM site. I am looking for: www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/45.8259/7.6034. Thaks in advance. Marco Forni, Italy |
Likely the easiest way to get a GPX of a hiking route (however not just the path in question) Is to use the waymarkedtrails website, see https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/#route?id=3902413 for the hiking route the way is part of. |
Overpass-turbo is a good way to get specific features in an area, or indeed a single way (syntax is way(id:123456) where 123456 is way identifier. Data can be downloaded in KML and GPX formats suitable for use on a phone or GPS device. |
The path you want is https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/296453474 ?