For my local fire-station I would like to use this OSM-based service for exporting a map to PDF comprising a fire hydrant layer. Before I can actually export the fire-hydrant-map, I need to create those hydrants in OSM and there are two open questions:
- The OSM fire hydrant data should also
be used to create a list of hydrants
grouped by streets. If the hydrant is
placed on only one street (no traffic
junction) I would just use the
addr:*-tag to denote the placement.
If the hydrant is placed within a
traffic junction, both streets should
relate to the hydrant. I have found
this proposal describing a way of
denoting multiple addresses. Is this
a somewhat correct way to mark both
streets if the hydrant is placed on a
traffic junction or is there a better
- Sometimes streets are extensive and
contain multiple hydrants. Therefore
it is a good practice to denote the
nearest actual building address to
find the hydrant quickly (on a
printed list without a map). Is there
a better way to denote such
relationship other than using the
addr*-tag (e.g. housenumber -
although the hydrant does not
actually belong to this address)?
11 Aug '18, 11:59
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While I don't have a solution for your issues, I would say that tagging hydrants with addr* tags doesn't seem right. You would be saying that fire hydrant X has a mailing address of 123 Main Street, which just doesn't make sense.