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I wonder how to tag a bar + surfing / kitesurfing school, like this:

Am I supposed to add multiple tags? The (currently set) keys "school", "school_1" and "sport=surf" (which I will update to "sport=surfing") do not feel really right.

asked 10 Aug '18, 11:13

jkirk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Aug '18, 09:46

After a lot of research I went for the following tags:


If someone is willing to comment I would update the Wiki to get some consistency.

I also kept "amenity=bar" (I might change this to "amenity=cafe") as there is a Cafe which belongs to the Surf-Shop.

permanent link

answered 10 Aug '18, 17:48

jkirk's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Aug '18, 17:49


shop=sports, sport=surfing is rather more popular, and shop=water_sports (with possible product=* tag) even more common

(10 Aug '18, 22:17) SK53 ♦

I also thought about using "shop=sports" for quite some time, but decided against it because:

  • "[shop=sports][1]" is described as "A shop selling sports equipment and clothing."
  • "[shop=board][2]" is described as "A shop that sells surfboards / sailboards / wakeboards and/or related accessories, clothes, parts, repair and rental services."
  • "[sport=surfing][3]" is described as "a a place for surfing"
  • "shop=water_sports" does not have Wiki page (yet)
  • "shop=water_sports" seems to be superseded by the sport namespace. (But I am not sure what the status of the [proposal][4] is)
  • 'shop=surfing" also does not have a Wiki page (yet)

[1] [2] [3] [4]

(11 Aug '18, 01:12) jkirk

This is all so confusing. After re-reading everything and taking into account that "shop=board" (and a few other similar tags) were created by a single user without a discussion page, I think I might go back to "shop=sports" with "sport=surfing;kitesurfing".

But I like the "service tags" described in "shop=board" (and similar), can I still use them?

(11 Aug '18, 09:41) jkirk

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question asked: 10 Aug '18, 11:13

question was seen: 1,191 times

last updated: 11 Aug '18, 09:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum