I am testing with Firefox and never experienced an automatic "one click login" to use here, the HELP.openstreetmap.org question-and-answer site. The problem seems the lack of intersection in the third party login... How to fix it? Options todayThese are the openstreetmap.org/user "official options": About the HELP.OSM options: the official username-login is working, but need password... The "or..." set of optoins (for "one click login") have very poor intersection
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OSQA, the software that runs this site, is basically abandonware. There has been some talk of migrating to a more supported platform but nothing more than that.
@Richard, thanks the notice! But... Oh! ouch... Hum... Lets organize it? 1. there are some links or souces to confirm the "abandonware fact"? 2. There are free or low-cost options? 3. How to vote a "change infrastruture" initiative at OSM?
The issue is not agreeing on a change. It is pretty clear that this change must happen since the currently used software is unmaintained (and has some really annoying bugs). The issue is about finding someone who actually does it. Also see https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/149
Hi @scai, if it is really difficult to migrate (hours of a specialized programmer/database master), is allowed to crowdfunding?
@ppKrauss yes it is. Developers are doing stuff in their spare time. If you are offering to do it that would be great, but pontificating about how easy it would be to do with crowdfunding is not being helpful.
Hi @SK53, sorry my English, I'm not proposing that programmers be mercenaries... My comment was about the linked issue, see the date, was opened on 21 Feb 2017... So, the logic is "if in ~1,5 years there are no voluntary, perhaps the task is difficult and they need some money".