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I have a few questions—One, Is possible to find out more information about the area or distance of roads?

Two, does OSM ever delete any of the roads that were digitized without letting the digitizer know?

Thank you for all your support!

asked 07 Aug '18, 22:56

ras954's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

since the 2 questions are unrelated, it's better to ask them separately

(08 Aug '18, 05:51) escada

For (2), there is no notification system for changes made after you uploaded data to the server. Not for updates, not for deletes. Luckily I would say, especially for heavy mappers who touched thousands of objects.

However, there are some tools to keep track of changes in a particular area. See e.g.

permanent link

answered 08 Aug '18, 05:51

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 07 Aug '18, 22:56

question was seen: 1,407 times

last updated: 08 Aug '18, 05:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum