Hello. I have to add 20 repairing workshops (in West of France) who filled a form on my website. Each one corresponds to a collaborative group of people and generally, one or twice a month, they propose to anyone to come and repair together small electronic appliance, clothes, bicycle, small furniture. Some of this organization signed the charter "Repair Café" https://repaircafe.org/en/ . I have read several discussions (english and german) and wiki pages about dedicated tags. But it's still not clear to me and I'd like to have your feedback and hopefully a kind of official tag. If someone know an international or french open-data map about repairing workshop, tell me. My idea is to put this tags :
Is it correct ? Thanks. Christian |
Maybe create a node with the contact info telephone, website or email. yes. The schedules of the place (sometimes a café, sometimes not) is not the same as the one for the repairing workshop. I think it also think it should be a separate node. |
After remarks when inserting data : I add a new marker for each workshop (even if a marker exist on the same place, but activity and schedules are differents) I put this tags :
Regards, Instead of By the way: the characters used here are not really a good idea, see https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Any_tags_you_like#Characters .
(27 Aug '18, 06:53)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I think repair cafes are a good idea lots of stuff that goes to landfill or for scrap can be repaired of used for spares. The problem mapping the cafes, unless they are a cafe as well, is they seem to be closed most of the time. Maybe create a node with the contact info telephone, website or email.
I'd suggest having a look at taginfo to see what tags other people have used for this sort of thing.