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Re: Unresolved note #1358172

Newbie here, trying to help resolve note on "house number of this building."

As noted, detailed property information is available here:

It shows the small building on a different lot, adjacent to the main property, according to property tax data. The two adjacent lots are owned by the same person, but have two different addresses (for tax records).

Big question: Surrounding areas (in openstreetmap) do not show much building or address information. Can it be "imported" from the Cabarrus County/ESRI GIS database? Why, or why not?

Small question: What is the correct way to address/label the small shed on the adjacent lot, to resolve the note?

asked 06 Aug '18, 19:45

ithink314's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I had a quick look at the notes.

My take on this

  • nothing happens magically in OSM, somebody actually has to do it, typically this should be done by the person/people wanting better data in a location, aka you.
  • the is lacking any indication of copyright terms, terms of use or similar, so by default we need to assume that it is not a legit source for OSM. You can do the footwork to determine the actual situation, potentially ask for explicit permission for use in OSM and then document the outcome.
  • the other possibility is to address the US OSM community (via the talk-us mailing list) and get somebody to help you.

Further reading:

PS: if the shed has a distinct postal address then simply add it, if you can do so from a legit source. Otherwise simply don't.

permanent link

answered 06 Aug '18, 20:39

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 06 Aug '18, 20:41


Yes, "scratch your own itch."

I thought the "powered by ESRI" label might be enough, because it and ARCGIS had been discussed around here at length.

Personally, I believe if I went to a government office and looked at plats, maps, deed records, etc., to obtain property information, nothing restricts me from sharing that information with whomever I wish; it is public information. Online government data is today's equivalent, IMHO. IANAL, however, and do not wish to play one.

That said, this page,

lists GIS Data, Tax Data, and much more, and


"This is the county's public platform for exploring and downloading open data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important local issues. You can analyze and combine Open Datasets using maps, as well as develop new web and mobile applications. Let's make our great community even better, together!"


"Unlock the Data Anyone can use open data from the Government Open Data at no cost. Download raw data and share your insights with your community or build new applications that serve specific users."

In addition,

Links such as this one,

give descriptions and downloads of data files, with "No license specified."

Do you agree this is sufficient for using the data for OSM (with the caveat the county disclaimer says they do not guarantee the accuracy)?

As for the shed, the address was simply added, but the note originator was not satisfied, saying "that just makes no sense from a standard user perspective..," and I was looking for independent opinions/advice on that.

(07 Aug '18, 02:18) ithink314

It needs a formal licence - most of the text quoted there is just marketing-speak. You could ask the county what licence the data is made available under.

(07 Aug '18, 09:05) Richard ♦

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question asked: 06 Aug '18, 19:45

question was seen: 2,419 times

last updated: 07 Aug '18, 09:05

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