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I'm aware of parking:lane:side=perpendicular, however for cases where the parking is at a specific destination rather than the side of a regular street it isn't so obvious to me whether I should be mapping the parking as an area or using this key/namespace convention.

Here are two links to locations where it isn't obvious to me whether the parking should be considered a lane or an area:

  1. Here I've mapped the parking using the namespace/key combination.
  2. Here the parking is mapped as an area and I'm currently debating if I should change it or not.

I lean toward using the namespace/key combination again, but I'm unsure (I think the lack of spatial representation is what makes me hesitate) and thought I'd seek more experienced advice.

asked 04 Aug '18, 22:30

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I hadn't, I think this seems like what I should use for these cases. Am I right in suggesting the linked cases would suit the value painted_area_only?

(08 Aug '18, 14:59) TheEditor101

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question asked: 04 Aug '18, 22:30

question was seen: 2,000 times

last updated: 08 Aug '18, 14:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum