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Hello World

Is it possible to use the Smartphone GPS as a device on the computer. Like a piece of software that transmitts geodata form the smartphones GPS receiver to the Notebook via Bluetooth and then pretends to be a GPS Device itself?

If not I would be totaly interested in that. Because that would make it possible to combine smartphone and Notebook in a car.

Best regards, Simon

asked 23 Jul '11, 14:55

area78's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Is there any reason why you need the notebook on in the car? There are programmes such as OSMtracker which can be installed on windows media smartphones to do data collection etc. on the phone, without needing to use the PC. Or are you doing it to display navigation position on a giant screen for example? It's also worth bearing in mind that the GPS in some phones tends not to necessarily be very good, and a dedicated unit might be better...

(24 Jul '11, 16:22) c2r

It seems that there is a way for that using windowsMobile smartphones.

Search for "send gps signals from phone to PC" in yahoo, bing or google ... one hit ist , and there is mentioned a programm called GPS2blue.

But I don't know whether it works for other smartphones with different OS.

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answered 23 Jul '11, 16:14

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

It is possible if your device will export gps data in some format.If I was looking to do this I would before buying a smart phone see if I could download the manual and then find if it could export gps data in some format via blue tooth or even USB.Then look for mapping software that is compatible.If we knew what your device is,and if,and in what format it can export data in we may able to answer your question.

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answered 24 Jul '11, 16:09

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 23 Jul '11, 14:55

question was seen: 4,382 times

last updated: 24 Jul '11, 16:22

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